I have a KH round the corner.
The first time I got two very nice sisters. I politely said, "I respect your commitment, but I'm not interested, and I'd really appreciate if if you could have the person who manages the territotry records to mark this address as not to be called on".
One sister said, "So you are familiar with the magazines?" I said "Yes, I am".
She said, "well, I just want to say that was the most politely I've ever been asked that. Good bye."
I said "have a nice day".
The next one (two years later) was not as pleasant - an obnoxious sister and a quiet companion. When she started talking, I asked "Isn't this address marked as a do-not-call address on the territory card?" She said "Yes, it is, but some people wonder why we keep visiting..." At which point I interrupted and said "I still live here and I still don't wish to be called on. Good-bye."
The next time I expect it to be two brothers...:)